How do you love someone but not want someone?

I can’t understand this concept. Is it me? Or is this something that actually doesn’t make sense?  When you love someone, you should want them, all of them, every part, good, bad, ugly, sick, pregnant, fat, skinny…everything. you shouldn’t get to love someone but not want them. Even just saying it sounds odd. “I love you, but I don’t want you”. It makes no sense. Why the question today you ask? Because it was said….to me…

We have had up and down years, two beautiful kids in the process and then after 8 years, you love me but don’t want me. I simply don’t understand this phrase. Nor will I ever. If you love someone, then you want them. People shouldn’t get the choice of getting to stay if they can’t explain what is meant by this. How do you stay with someone who tells you this? There are so many factors that you have to take in to consideration. The main one being the children. How does this effect them? What will they learn by watching and growing up in a house where they hear a parent tell the other that they love them but don’t want them. There’s all the financial end of things, there’s division of property. This decision isn’t easy by any means. But how can you stay knowing you’re not wanted?  It’s heart breaking. It makes you miserable because all you do is think of ways to make your spouse want you. You waste all the time and energy on someone who will never want you. Maybe this is an endless rant or babble but when you tell someone after 8 years that you don’t want them but won’t leave, that’s not only hurtful, it’s confusing. When you ask why they’re still here or why they don’t want you, all you get is “I’m not going to explain it to you”. Why not? I deserve to know the answer to this. Even of I don’t deserve anything else, I deserve an answer to this. How long before you take a stand and say enough is enough, get out? I’m going to keep blogging everyday and vent about this statement and other things that happen. I give it thirty days and if I’m still loved but “not wanted” then it’s time to take a stand and tell him to get out. I’m not a toy that you get to decide you don’t want after 8 years. I’m a person who deserves better than that.  Stayed tuned…..

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